I considered titling this entry "Even More AWESOMENESS", but I realized most of these aren't actually awesome, just odd.
I was cleaning out our office/guest bedroom this week and ran across a list of band names I had compiled - probably about 8-10 years ago.
It was a full page of names I had written out, some from a list someone else had compiled, some from a band-name-generator I used, and some names I just made up.
Here are some of the best:
The Other Dilemmas
Hold the Humility
Delightfully Uncouth
The Knicker-Wearers
Not Just For Whitey
The Fringe Jackets
Mr. Smarty-Pants
The Emperors of the Milky Way Galaxy
The Band That Shot Liberty Valance
The Band From U.N.C.L.E. (My personal favorite)
Mommy Don't Let Your Kids Join The Sanhedrin
Jive Talkin' Turkeys
Last of the Red Hot Doggies
Glass Darkly
Shorn Like Bjorn
The Khaki Slackers
Schrödinger's Cats (This one was for Michael)
I did some Googling on the interwebs, and found that some of these have actually become real bands. Awesome.
So, help me come up with some more silly names. Respond in the comments...