Fox is walking!

Finally, he's walking around by himself. For the past two weeks, he's been learning how to crawl, then walk again. He's gotten to the point where he could walk fine, but had to hold one of our hands just for reassurance.
He had taken a step or two without holding on, but as soon as he realized it, he would either sit down or cry and want to be held. I guess he just didn't have enough confidence in walking to try it by himself, even though we've been encouraging him constantly.
Tuesday night, Michelle covertly videotaped him walking across the living room. He was so engrossed in playing with his toys, he didn't think about what he was doing.
Later, she told him he could walk by himself, and he said "No, I can't!". So she brought out the video camera and SHOWED him the video above. Once he realized that was him and that he could indeed walk by himself, he was OK with it. He's been walking by himself ever since.
He still looks like a little old man when he walks, but he's getting stronger every day.
Praise the Lord! It does my heart good to see him walking across that floor. Now, if I can just stop crying.........
Is that really him or is that a stunt double? Special effects these days...
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