Baby names my wife has rejected.

Number two is on the way, and of course, thoughts turn to potential baby names. I found a bunch that I thought were cool (if a little odd), but Michelle SOUNDLY rejected.
Hudson (Wouldn't that be cool, people could refer to him as "The Fabulous Hudson Rutherford"...yeah, it's kind of dumb, I know. I still like it.)
Bear (I wasn't actually serious about this one, I just wanted to see her reaction.)
Fox was so perfect, we both instantly loved it. Hopefully we will find another name like that for the second child. (Oh, and I'm assuming it's a boy...Rutherfords tend to make boys. Also we have a pretty good list of girls names we still like.)
Several of our favorite names were already taken by our friends. Noah, Owen, and Holden are all names we had picked out long ago, but we waited too long and lost out! If you have any suggestions for cool boy names, please post them in the comments. (But don't be upset if we don't use them, we are VERY picky!)
I walked around the campus of Drexel University in Philly. Their colors were blue and yellow and their mascot was a dragon. So clearly Michelle is out of line rejecting that one.
Roland- I mean, as in the Song of Roland, how cool would that be? That's like naming him Beowulf. Tight.
I've asked Adah to petition Michelle for Speed West Rutherford. She's persuasive so there is still hope.
Felix has a good lineage as well. First, the Cat and then all those Roman dudes.
We'll pray for her to come around.
Ahh, the power of those persuasive Bennages...nope. Don't see it happening.
Hey Vance, long time no see! Congrats on #2! Two is good.
Don't forget to think through the entire name. When we had our first baby the couple in the next room named their boy Dillard. Well, their last name was Pickle. Did they think that one all the way through?
Hope you and Michelle are doing great.
john h
One more cent to add to the two above...
Don't let the fact that a friend has already used a name that you really want to use. So what? Think about it from the kid’s perspective. Even if you remain friends for life with these people, and I would not recommend that, what difference is it going to make in the long run for you? Very little. And to your child? Probably none at all. So if you’ve got a name that you love, pays homage to your genealogy or whatever, don’t let the fact that these so called friends scooped you on it. ;-)
My favorite is Harley Earl, the GM designer in the 30's, 40's and 50's who was way ahead of his time. He created the tailfin, the '51 Buick LeSabre. He's always been one of my favorite car designers.
Ford Lincoln Mercury
Louis Chevrolet (he can go by Chevy RutherFORD)
Okay, other suggestions...
Number One
The Hound (let this one sink in)
Or, we can lease out the name Noah to you for a small fee. We'll make Noah shorten it to No. It works.
I had a friend who was about to go through a divorce when she got pregnant and ended up naming her son Justin Tyme. I didn't think it was very funny. Poor kid. I'm sure he hates his parents by now and they probably got a divorce anyway. I don't know; I lost touch.
hey..we can lease out Owen, too. Or you can shorten it to Ow! lol..I crack myself up.
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