The sky is falling...

Before this story, you need some background information. I had recently received a replacement brake booster to replace the faulty one in my car. It looks like the picture above. It's about 10 inches wide, and weighs around 8 pounds...about the size and weight of a child's bowling ball. I had stuck it in the bedroom on top of my chest of drawers to keep it away from Fox, since it's heavy and has random pointy bits on it. Why didn't I just put it in the garage? I don't remember...there must have been a good reason at the time.
Anyway, enough of the back story.
Yesterday, after getting home from work, Fox follows me into the bedroom to help me change clothes. That usually consists of him handing me my tennis shoes, then running around playing hide and seek with me while I change into jeans and a teeshirt. As I'm tying my shoelaces, Michelle comes in and joins us - we are all now sitting on the floor together, playing. I can't remember if Fox is sitting in my lap or just in front of me, but I make the mistake of leaning back against my chest of drawers...I hear some movement, then CRACK!...the brake booster hits me on the top of my head and bounces off onto the floor. As I'm sitting there dazed, I can feel something weird and tingly on my head, almost like it's wet...I reach up to touch it, and sure enough, I'm bleeding. Michelle starts to panic, and she runs to get me a towel. Fox starts to cry because he's scared. I'm still just dazed.
It's bleeding pretty good at this point, and we get Fox calmed down. I assure him that I'm fine, and he starts pointing and saying "boo-boo?". Yup, Daddy made a boo-boo. Luckily, I didn't need stitches, but I have a pretty good lump on my head and a nice headache. Michelle googles "how to tell if you've got a concussion", but I'm OK. No blurred vision or nausea.
I'm just glad it hit me and not Fox. Also, it's good that the round part hit my head, and not any of the pointy bits. That could have caused some real damage.
Lesson learned - don't store auto parts in the bedroom. I told this to my friend Ryan who's fixing up an old VW bus. He laughed because he is also storing auto parts in his bedroom. Why do our wives put up with us?