
I've read Darcy and Sandra's posts about how their young ones are learning so much and growing up so fast. I always knew that parents thought their kids grew up too fast, but of course, it never really sunk in until I had my own.
In the span of three days, Fox has learned more than a half dozen new words, signs and tricks. On Sunday, he finally signed "more", then went on to sign "head" (or "hair", I'm not sure what he means yet).
He learned how to stick his tongue out on Monday.

He started saying "mama" on Tuesday, which Michelle is immensely pleased at!
He puts his hat on his head when we give it to him, though he won't let us put his hat on.
He learned how to clap just yesterday.
He sticks his tongue out and pants as his sign for "dog". (He still says "ta" for Tanji, and "da" for dog, but Michelle taught him the sign anyway because it's cute.)
He says "pu" for puff when he wants one. (It's a little finger-food for toddlers.)
This boy LOVES avocado! He calls it "ca", and gets really excited about it!

And, yesterday he visited my office and pulled down every hot wheels car I had sitting on my windowsill. This is the same thing Madeleine used to do when she would visit. On of my co-workers called him "Fox-zilla"...