Yeah, dumb title...I'm sorry.
I have a hard time getting to work on time in the morning (just ask Jeremy). I found the following cool alarm clocks that might help:

Once the alarm goes off, you have a certain amount of time to put the three wires together in the right order to hit the snooze button. I assume it's a different order each day. If you have to actually think and do some challenging task, you are more apt to stay awake instead of just hitting snooze over and over again. That, combined with the stress of defusing a bomb should do it!
The other cool clock I found was the bacon alarm clock:

From this page. Gets you out of bed with the aroma of sizzling bacon...reminds me of that Office episode where Michael burns his foot on his George Foreman grill he left turned on beside his bed (he was also trying to wake himself up with cooked bacon).
My favorite alarm clock, though? Had to be this morning, when Michelle sat Fox down on the bed beside me to wake me up. He spent 10 minutes grabbing various bits of my face and chewing on them. (Kind of like this.) I've never laughed so hard in my life.
I'm posting this at the end of a long day of report-writing, which I haven't finished yet. The Internet is a good distraction tool, as evidenced by this guy's drawing:

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