Welcome to the Itchy and Scratchy Show!
Warning: This is graphic. Do not read if you get all weird about gross things.
Almost two weeks ago, I rubbed my elbow on a little poison oak vine in my backyard. It was dark, and I was working as hard as I could on my fence. I just didn't notice it.
(The red arrow points to the offending vine.)

No big deal, you say...it gets itchy, you put some cream on it. If only that were so. I've only gotten into Poison Oak once before, and I had a pretty bad reaction to it. I had it all over my forearms for a couple of weeks. I was pretty miserable, but at least it didn't spread.
This recent outbreak, however, is much worse. My elbow looks like a burn victim's. It's blistered, swollen, and infected, too...so that's nice. Both of my arms are covered with rashes and little dots, and I just noticed this morning that it's spread to the backs of my hands and fingers.
My stomach is covered with the rash. It's just plain nasty looking. There's a few spots on my legs as well, but not as bad.
Apparently I'm having what doctors call a "systemic reaction", which means that the urushiol oil from the plant that causes the reaction has now gotten into my bloodstream, and I'm breaking out everywhere.
The $35 tube of Zanfel cream (which does provide a few hours of relief) is almost gone, so I've got to buy more tomorrow. I went to the doctor today, and they gave me a shot in the butt and two prescriptions for a steroid and some antibiotics for the infection. I took 7 pills tonight...hopefully this stuff will kick in soon and I can return to some normalcy.
OK, now for the gross part. I've linked a picture of my arm...do NOT click on this link if you are easily grossed out.
I mean it, it's nasty. You've been warned.
OK, if you really want to see it, here it is.
Okay, you got me. But, I'm your mother so I wanted to see how bad it was. You are in my prayers and I love you. I wish there was something I could do to help. Please keep me posted.
Oh you totally got me. I wanted to see it, and to be honest, I am a little disappointed that it wasn't there.
By the way, let me know if you want me to forward pics of my scab collection.
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