Lots and LOTS of hawks...

So, I walked out into the back yard to sweep the deck over the weekend, and everything was nice and quiet. All of the sudden I hear this HUGE sound above me...I look up, and about a dozen hawks are leaving one of the trees in the green space behind our house.
I've never seen that many hawks in one place, but as I'm staring into the sky, about ten or twelve more fly out of the same tree...then another batch, then another...by the time they are all in the air there's got to be at least 50 or 60. I was amazed...you could hear the kids in the neighborhood going crazy, because the sky was filled with these huge birds.
I ran into the house to get the camera, but by the time I get back outside and get the camera ready, there was only one within sight. The rest had moved off to the south behind some of the trees.
I think they were having a big Hawk New Years Eve party.