Cinnamon sugar swirls in every bite!

My love for Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal began in 1984, the year it first came out. I was ten years old. I remember that my Mom bought us two boxes of it (we ate cereal just about every morning) so that it would last us through the week. What she didn't count on was the power of that sugary goodness to control her oldest son's mind.
I woke up the next morning, and poured my first was SO GOOD that I quickly finished it. So I poured another. I couldn't stop, it was that good...another bowl gone...with the next bowl I had to add more milk...I'm starting to eat faster and faster...then before I knew it, the box was empty. So I went to the pantry and got the other box. And I ate that entire box as well. Two boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal...swirling around in the digestive system of a ten-year old boy. Not only was I a little bit sick from all the sugar, but I found a new source of power that day.
I imagine the sugar rush and the ensuing crash was pretty severe, but my feeble brain can't really recall. All I know is that it was good, and I had to have more. I tried the cereal again recently, and it was everything I remember, but I just can't handle my cereal like I used to.
There's got to be some way of harnessing all the energy of a ten year old hopped-up on sugar. I bet I could run my house for a week on two boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal.