Potty humor

Fox is potty training. This is a good thing, but if you read Michelle's post, (or ever tried to potty train a toddler) you'll know there is always some drama that comes with it.
Here's my story.
Saturday was "Daddy time" with Fox. Michelle was at Carey's shower, so I got to spend all morning just running around the house, playing trucks and trains, and wrestling. It was so much fun.
Just before lunch, I go to change his diaper, and he tells me he wants to pee...on the "big potty". So, we bypass his little toddler potty, and I put his step stool in front of the big potty, and help him stand there, facing the toilet. He toots, then giggles and says "excuse me". This is perfectly normal. He doesn't pee, so I put him in his diaper and we go eat lunch at the table. As I'm sitting there watching him eat, I look down at my bare feet, and notice something very odd...there's brown stuff on my...oh dear. This is bad. There is poop on my toe.
As I'm saying "gross!" and trying to hobble over to the paper towels, Fox laughs and says "I pooped on Daddy's toe!". Then, he sees some more poop on the floor and exclaims "I pooped on the floor!".
As I backtrack, and try and figure out what happened, I realized...Fox didn't just toot when we were in the bathroom...he pooped. On my toe. I looked, and there it was...a tidy little pile of poop on the step stool. (Pun certainly NOT intended.)
Luckily, the poop was limited to the step stool, my foot, and the spot on the floor in the kitchen.
At church the next day, Fox proudly told anyone who would listen that he pooped on Daddy's toe. Michelle finds that hilarious. Of course she would, it wasn't her toe.
You and Mark should trade stories. Ask him about his potty training experience and putting his entire foot in his son's wonderfulness. Aaaahhh, potty training.
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