The Stuntman Chronicles
So, I was jumping the Grand Canyon in my rocket-car, and the landing was pretty rough and I sprained my ankle.
No, that's a little extreme.
I was rescuing a child from a burning building and twisted my, that's a little too "Spider-Man".
OK...I tripped over an old pair of tennis shoes. That's the truth. Not very dramatic, though.
We were on our way out to dinner, and I was walking down the three steps that lead into the garage...I noticed my old tennis shoes that I had left at the bottom of the stairs after cutting the grass today and thought "I should kick those out of the way so that no one trips on them". In the process of kicking them out of the way, of course I tripped over them. Bent my ankle over, heard the "Pop!" and knew I had screwed up big time.
The nurse took one look at it and told me it was fractured, but the x-ray tech and the doctor both said they couldn't find a break, so it's just a "big honkin' sprain" as he described it. They sent me home with a fancy new gel-cast, some Ace bandages and some Motrin.
My poor 8-months-pregnant wife now has to take care of me instead of me taking care of her. Hopefully I'll be off the crutches before she gets too miserable.
Anyway, I'm off to fix my rocket-car...

Oh, Vance! I feel for you man, I mean, we're talking seriously emphathetic!!
I'm so sorry, I know it sucks and then you just feel stupid that something so minor caused a major change of life's normal happennings.
Not that you ARE stupid. I mean, stupid things happen to good people.
Okay, I'm done now.
That's ok, I do feel stupid...I have to have a stupid brace on my stupid foot and use these stupid gimpy sticks (crutches) everywhere I go.
Luckily we have great neighbors who helped us out a lot...our next-door neighbors helped me into the car, got Michelle's old crutches out of the attic, and even fed our other neighbor's dog for me.
And our other across-the-street neighbors came over tonight and helped us move couches and stuff.
It's good to have friends who cover for our stupid-ness.
I'm glad you posted the details. Adah was very concerned to know what you tripped on.
Ouch...sounds like you twisted it pretty bad. Keep the foot elevated and steer clear of lounging sneakers.
You'll be dancing in those sneakers soon enough; can you dance? :)
Been there, done that - 3 times. At least you tripped over something. The last time I broke my foot was jumping up to kill a spider on the ceiling. Nope, it wasn't kung fu or anything cool like that. I was jumping up to swat a spider off the ceiling cause I was afraid it would fall on me and you know how scared I am of spiders. Came down wrong and heard the same loud pop, only mine was broke, not sprained. I hated having to depend on other people to drive me everywhere. Believe me, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!
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