Thursday, July 27, 2006

Man Repellent and the W.A.F.

Here are two new phrases that I am submitting for inclusion in our standard vocabulary.

"Man Repellant" is what I use to refer to things (especially T.V. shows) that Michelle is interested in, but would drive any man away. For example, Michelle flipped on the telly while she ate a snack, and stopped on some girly show. I walked in, saw what it was, and immediately declared it "Man Repellent". Instead of lingering, I went into my cave and watched the opening chase scene in The Transporter. That's a pretty good antidote, in my opinion.

Feel free to use this phrase at your discretion.

The other phrase, which I did not coin, but ran across today, is "W.A.F.", or "Wife Acceptance Factor". Also known as "Wife Approval Factor", it is the rating you can give to the chance that your wife will accept the lasest geeky hobby/tech gadget/computer purchase, etc..

These endeavors can either have a high or low Wife Acceptance Factor. For example, Jeremy came into my office today, and we were discussing various geeky projects, including his Centipede arcade machine running on MAME. He pondered aloud whether Darcy would let him move his arcade cabinet into Madeleine's room. I stated that this prospect had a very low W.A.F. However, he went on to describe how he would like to take the control interface and adapt it to control a mouse, so that Madeleine could play educational games on the box. This idea should now have a high W.A.F.

Some other examples:

Bringing home flowers. -- High W.A.F.

Tracking dirt/grease into the house after working in the garage all day. -- Low W.A.F.

Bringing home another outdated PC to turn into a new webcam server, etc.. -- Low W.A.F.

Bringing home another project vehicle. -- Rock-bottom W.A.F. (probably resulting in me sleeping in the garage for good.)


At 10:47 PM, Blogger michellenotdawn said...

"Bringing home another project vehicle. -- Rock-bottom W.A.F. (probably resulting in me sleeping in the garage for good.)"

Yes. Good night.


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