Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What's in a name...

Why "Sarcastic Picnic"?

When I was registering the site with Blogger, every name I entered was already in use. I guess I'm not as unique and original as I thought. After countless tries at witty titles were frustrated, I finally just went to the Merriam Webster website and watched their little "Real Time Word" display until I saw two consecutive words that I could turn into a title for this blog. "Sarcastic" and "Picnic" was the first combination I saw.

You see, magic CAN happen with randomness...


At 5:45 PM, Blogger Christopher Bennage said...

Hmmm... when I did that it was "try" and "again".

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Sir Vance-a-lot said...

Ha! When I checked it again, the next four words were "elderly" and "wander"...and "enormous" and "adolescent".



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